Mmmmmmm …. plants ;)

Caring for another little lifeform might just be the boost you need
to help you uncover your natural ADHD+ potential!

🌿 Uncover Your Growth Points 🌿

🪴 ADHD+ Coaching with a Green Twist🪴

 Ready to unravel the secrets to unlocking your full potential?

Dive into this transformative 5 week ADHD+ coaching program, meticulously crafted to guide you toward self-understanding and future success, all while embracing the power of nature!

🚀 **Why Me?**

✨ **Expert ADHD Coach who actually has ADHD:**
I specialize in ADHD in the workplace – I help professionals and their organisations harness the power of divergent thinking. I’m committed to helping you discover and maximize your unique strengths.


🔍 **What's the Deal?**

🌱 **Five weekly Online Coaching Sessions:**
Tailored strategies designed to uncover your growth points and propel you forward in the areas you know are there but just haven’t yet fully tapped into.

🎯 **Goal-Setting Techniques:**
Define and achieve milestones aligned with your aspirations – we’re all about habit change; we’re nothing about making you feel stink about not being able to change. We know precisely how hard this shit is to stick too!

📚 **Collaterals to make your growth measurable:**
Each sessions has a template to record all the gems that ‘pop!’ so you can see how much you’ve grown in such a short period of time.

🌟 **Community Support:**
Connect with a supportive community, sharing in the journey of uncovering growth points.

🎁 **Exclusive Bonus: The Power of Green:**
You’ll receive a vibrant mini house plant (symbolizing the flourishing growth you’ll uncover) delivered to your doorstep, to nurture throughout the program and beyond. Experience the revitalizing energy of nature as you cultivate focus and well-being: yours and your new plant baby’s! throughout the program.

🌿 **Plant Care Tips:**
Learn the art of plant care as a metaphor for nurturing your own growth and potential.
Follow my own plant care journey on my Insta page 🌱CPR (Clearance Plant Rescue)🪴 where I salvage neglected plants on clearance and breathe new life into them …. you know, as in help them fulfil their potential! ….. but don’t check that out before registering below 😉

Note: This is an introductory program to assist you in exploring the potential your ADHD offers you. It is not a solution to all your ADHD woes, but it is a starting point.

Longer term support is offered in my ADHD+ 1-to-1 coaching bundle and our ADHD+ Group Coaching cohorts.

👥 **Join the ADHD+ Green Revolution!**


Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? Limited spaces available, so secure your spot now and let your potential blossom! (Ok that’s the last cheesy plant pun!)

Take care and talk soon


Register your interest below: